Heal is a SaaS solution, that runs three main systems:
- the test browsers: are the web browsers interacting with the system under test (eg. your staging environment). The test browsers receive instructions from the test browsers.
- the test agent: manages what steps to execute to run the tests, and analyzes the results.
- the platform: the user interface where tests are defined and reported.
Using Heal
Heal can be consumed in 2 ways:
- As a SaaS
- As a SaaS, with on-premise test browsers
Heal hosted test browser IPs
If the environment under test (eg. your staging environment) is behind a firewall, you can allow traffic from Heal's test browsers by whitelisting the following IPs:
Local test browser
By default, Heal hosts and manages the test browsers. However, it's also possible to run them yourself, for example if you require strict control over access to your staging environment beyond IP whitelisting. Contact us if your require local deployment.